In The Thick Of It

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Finish 2020 Strong

It is not too late to finish 2020 strong. This COVID-19 pandemic is no joke. The pandemic forced us to live differently and think differently. Whether your 2020 has stunk so far or your 2020 was ok, we can finish it strong. I will be transparent on how my 2020 is going. I started the year with a help issue, I had a pretty serious blood clot in my leg. Thankfully with medication and with a renewed awareness to my health, the issue is behind me. Next, my son totaled my pretty new car on the way to his college campus, thank goodness he was fine and walked away without a scratch. Subsequently, after the accident I had to deal with insurance companies and then banks for a new car loan to secured the money for my new car, doing this while people were transitioning from being in their traditional workplaces to working from home. I will admit, it was very frustrating to deal with the insurance companies and banks, but it wasn’t one-sided. The people who I dealt with were out of sorts too because their norm was shifting. I had a lot of empathetic conversations with these people, helping me to develop understanding and patience.  In the process of dealing with my health issue and my son’s accident, I managed finish my degree…YAY. Finishing my degree is a goal I have been chasing for the last 7 years, so proud it is done!

I share my 2020 to illustrate the ups and downs and to encourage you to find some good in the year and to let you know there is plenty of time to finish 2020 strong! Best wishes to got this my friend 😊.