In The Thick Of It

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Sunshine Blogger Award

I was thrilled to be nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Beth, a British blogger who follows me on Twitter. Beth is from Nottingham, England. Thanks again for the nomination. It is always thoughtful when a fellow blogger recognizes your efforts.

Beth runs a make-up and lifestyle blog. Her latest posts are on friendshipsdating,  and of course make-up  . Please show her socials some love. 

Blog :

Instagram : … 

Twitter :  

Pinterest : …

Business Inquiries:


Rules to follow if you are nominated for a Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Thank the blogger and link their blog in your post

  2. Answer the 11 questions they asked

  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers

  4. Ask them 11 questions

  5. List the rules

  6. Display the logo on the post


11 questions Beth had for her nominee's...

What made you start blogging?

I wanted to capture my thoughts in a space of my own versus just social media.

If you could live anywhere In the world where would It be?

As a New Englander who HATES snow any place without snow and where the cost of living is reasonable.

What do you like to do to unwind?

Wine and watch a show I have saved on DVR. 

What’s your job?

Executive Assistant. I have been with my company going on 17 years.

What’s your favorite film?


Do you have any pets?

Yes, a Siberian Husky and 2 BETA fish. 

Night in or night out?

Night out. I love being out and about. 

What’s your favorite thing to blog about?

Evolving. Life changes it is important to be open to change with it.

Does pineapple go on pizza?

Sure! LOL I prefer mushrooms myself.

Where do you usually blog?

No set space, I am amazed how much I do on my smartphone.

Favorite hobby?

As of late organizing things.


My nominee's, shouting out some of my blogger buddies on Twitter!!! @ChicsTravel @probadass_  @OpFeelGreat @PearlsInTheSea1 @kariebabbitt @ImLasonia ‏ @InspiringThru @Heartolovelife1 @ALittleAdult @the_rolling_20s @MrsKatieRoman


Looking forward to seeing your post and your nominee list!!!

See my 11 questions to my nominee's below...

  1. What made you start blogging?

  2. If you could go on a vacation anywhere In the world where would It be?

  3. What do you like to do to unwind?

  4. What’s your favorite food?

  5. What’s your favorite film?

  6. Do you have any pets?

  7. Night in or night out?

  8. What’s your favorite thing about blogging?

  9. For food sweet or salty?

  10. Where do you usually blog?

  11. Favorite hobby?

Thanks again Beth for thinking of me!