2021 Listening Book Club

Discovering audiobooks has been a game changer for me. I wasn’t a avid reader before discovering audiobooks. I get my audiobooks with my free library card through the OverDrive or LibbyByOverdrive and Audible.  I have listened to 28 so far. Not only are the audiobooks entertaining but I learn so much from the memoirs and self-help books (WIN WIN). Check out the list of titles and ratings below. 

Inthethickofitblog.com rating legend:

5-stars Loved, loved, loved it, unique topic/story and dynamic narration

4-stars Liked it and it had good narrator(s)

3-stars Average topic/story and it had good narrator(s)

I won’t have any lower ratings, when I sense a book is not for me I give up on it, life is to short to grunt your way through a book that isn’t for you. ;)
