2020 Intentions...what are you focusing on in 2020?

2020 IS HERE !!!!

Focusing on intentions vs. goals lets me have a broader outlook on the NEW YEAR!!


I • I will be the best mother, daughter and friend I can be, telling my loved ones I appreciate them and that they are making a difference

N • Nutrition and meal planning will be more consistent in 2020

T • Travel and enjoy the change of scenery

E • Exercise and fitness needs to find its way back into my weekly routine-I missed it in 2019!

N • Never stop learning and evolving

T • Take time for myself to just reflect and enjoy my own company

I • I will continue to enjoy Audiobooks ❤

O • Observe and enjoy nature

N • Not abandoning my focuses but remaining flexible on how to get there

S • Saving and budgeting with intensity in 2020

Tell me your goals, intentions and thoughts for the new year.
